Tallangatta Secondary College strives to deliver high quality state education, providing a student – centred learning environment that is ‘Big enough to deliver and small enough to care’.
Our Vision
Tallangatta Secondary College is committed to empowering all to become resilient and confident lifelong learners with a strong sense of self and community.
Our Mission
• To progress student learning for every student, every day by inspiring confidence, resilience and courage of thought to succeed in careers and challenges beyond the years at Tallangatta Secondary College.
• To empower students through student agency with their learning journey through an active partnership between students, staff and community that fosters a caring environment for learning, leadership and stewardship.
• To build a culture of continuous improvement where high expectations, collective efficacy and accountability to achieve student growth is our agreed moral purpose.

Our school values – Respect, Empathy, Attitude and Learning (REAL)
Our values guides the actions we take and interactions we have. Students, teachers and parents all have a responsibility to actively promote, support and model the values of the school.
7 – 12 REAL Homegroups occur at the start of each day. This Homegroup structure provides each student with one dedicated and committed mentor during their 6 years at the College, as well one constant first point of call for parents.
Tallangatta Secondary College operates a vertically integrated unit system of curriculum We offer semester and term length units of study in domains of the Victorian Curriculum. We also offer extensive pathways offerings in the Victorian
Certificate of Education (VCE), Vocational Education and Training (VET) and Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL). A Career and Pathways coordinator ensures no student leaves school without a pathway to further education, training or employment.
Dedicated staff lead numerous programs to further extend student engagement such as the Duke of Edinburgh, Work Experience, Writers Festival, Advance CFA Youth Crew, Sport, Debate, School Production, extensive Outdoor Education program, Instrumental Music and Camps including biannual Central Australia Camp and
Overland Trek in Tasmania. We have strong links with our sister school, SMK Datuk Peter Mojuntin in Malyasia.
Growth Point Average (GPA) is the reporting framework we use to measure students’ levels of effort and application to their studies. This reporting framework ensures teachers, families and students work together to promote and monitor positive learning habits and behaviours. In addition to the GPA, each student showcases their learning, along with personalised feedback from their teachers through Student Led Conferences (SLC) which are held each term.
The College employs a Social Worker fulltime and through DET a Secondary School Nurse two days a week. We also have fortnightly visits from a Nurse Practioner from the Tallangatta Medical Centre. We have developed strong links to North East Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services (NECAMHS), Junction Support Services, Headspace, Australian Childhood Foundation (ACF) and School Focused Youth Service (SFYS).
Please feel free to contact the College for further information.

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